Quintessential Quotations on Drinking

“Three be the things I shall never attain: Envy, content, and sufficient champagne." 

— Dorothy Parker

“I pray you, do not fall in love with me,
For I am falser than vows made in wine.”

— William Shakespeare

“Too much of anything is bad, but too much good whiskey is barely enough.” 

— Mark Twain

“Good people drink good beer.”

— Hunter S. Thompson

“Ho! Ho! Ho! To the bottle I go/ To heal my heart and drown my woe…” 

— J.R.R. Tolkien

“I like to have a martini,/ Two at the very most./ After three I’m under the table,/ after four I’m under my host.”

— Dorothy Parker

I don’t think I’ve ever drunk champagne before breakfast before. With breakfast on several occasions, but never before before.”

— Truman Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany’s

“I drink to make other people more interesting.”

— Ernest Hemingway

“Pouring out liquor is like burning books.”

— William Faulkner

“The more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink.”

— Phoebe Buffay